Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Rapid7

At Rapid7, 我们从根本上相信,每个人都应该有平等的机会来建立一个卓越的职业生涯,心态的多样性是我们公司发展和成功的组成部分.
Corey Thomas, Chairman & CEO

Our people come from different backgrounds all over the world

At Rapid7, 在我们共同努力为每个人创造一个安全的数字未来的过程中,我们庆祝人们带来不同的观点.

背景和思维的多样性有助于我们缩小经验差距,激发创新. A deep commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is core to the strength and success of our business. 它让我们的社区更强大,让我们的公司更健康,让我们的客户更安全. It’s also, quite simply, the right thing to do. Not just for us, but for the advancement of our industry and our world. 这就是为什么我们要建立一个让每个人都感到受欢迎的地方,让他们做真实的自己.

Our People Right Photo

Empowering people in 2023

From the ways we’re reimagining the makeup of our teams at our new offices, to our ambitious Diversity, Equity & Inclusion goals for the year ahead, read our 2023 Social Good Report 详细了解我们如何为网络安全社区经常忽视的人创造机会.

Values driving our community

我们致力于将来自不同背景的人聚集在一起,并投资于为我们的技术社区培养未来人才的项目. This commitment is fueled by two of our core values: Be an Advocate and Bring You. We advocate for customers, underrepresented groups, and one another, to create a more connected and collaborative experience for all; and we want every person to feel empowered to embrace their own uniqueness and feel comfortable bringing their true self to work.

Values Driving Community
Values Driving Community

Connecting, collaborating, and growing at Rapid7

We refer to our people at Rapid7 as Moose, a word that remains unchanged in both its singular and plural forms. 这是我们建立内部同志情谊和社区意识的众多方式之一. 我们是一个驼鹿,我们为多样化的视角而自豪,这增强了我们的鹿群.

Here are some notable initiatives helping to make Rapid7 a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive home for every Moose.

Internal Community Groups

在Rapid7,我们相信每个人都可以在创造一个包容的环境中发挥作用. 我们经常为我们的员工创造有意识的时刻,让他们通过他人的生活经历来教育自己,并在他们的个人包容之旅中成长. Our goal is that anyone, no matter their background can come to Rapid7, be proud of who they are and do their best work ever.

Community and Culture are a big deal here, 我们的快速影响小组(rig)是由业务支持和员工推动的. Groups are action-oriented, 专注于社区的提升,并通过交叉渠道定期寻找相互支持的方法.

Inclusive Benefits

  • Offices designed to be inclusive to all Moose, with gender-neutral restrooms and showers and mother’s suites
  • Competitive maternity and paternity leave for expectant parents
  • 薪酬平等,不分性别或种族,这得到了例行调查和外部专家审查的证实
  • Curated and gamified courses on diversity, inclusion, and belonging through Linkedin Learning and in house developed resources
  • Regular elevations rooted in increasing capacity for understanding, building community, and connection.

Nurturing diversity in tech and education

To systematically improve the diversity and strength of our industry, 我们正在进行投资,为那些可能不从事STEM相关工作的人创造机会. We work together with schools, universities, 以及全球其他团体,以激发服务不足社区年轻人对STEM的兴趣, providing support and guidance in the form of donations, volunteer work, mentoring, and education.

Hack Diversity

How we are involved:

  • Rapid7 is a founding member
  • We have sourced interns from the program, some of whom have transitioned to full-time employees at Rapid7
  • 我们每年都做出了重大的财政贡献,并承诺每年夏天招聘研究员
  • Focus: 波士顿创新经济中黑人和拉丁裔技术人才的数量增加了100%. Hack.多元化项目招收的是从事软件工程职业的黑人和拉丁裔学生, data analytics, information technology, and UX/UI design into the city’s fastest-growing companies — training, 在整个经历中指导和指导雇主和员工

How we are involved:

  • Rapid7 is a Sponsor and Initial Investor
  • Focus: 通过旨在促进招聘的项目,实现女性和少数族裔在网络安全领域的持续代表性, inclusion and retention – one person at a time.

Higher Education

How we are involved:

我们正在进行投资,为可能不会从事stem相关工作的各种人群提供教育机会. Over the last several years, 我们与全球的学校和大学合作,激发服务不足和边缘化青年社区对STEM的兴趣, providing support and guidance in the form of donations, volunteer work, mentoring, and education. These investments include:

  • Queen’s University, Belfast
    • Supporting their computer science and security programming curriculum, and hiring of over 100 placement students into our Belfast office.
  • University of Canberrra STEM Education Research Center
    • SERC is undertaking groundbreaking research in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education, using innovative technology to assist children's learning

How we are involved:

As a corporate sponsor, 我们与Cyversity的使命保持一致,即增加和保持历史上边缘化和未开发社区的一致代表,并继续致力于提升当地分会的领导人, supporting events, collaborating on thought leadership and more.

How we are involved:

In 2023, the Rapid7 Cyber Security Foundation committed $1.向南佛罗里达大学捐赠了500万美元,目的是建立一个网络威胁情报实验室,从而为美国最多样化的学生群体之一创造网络职业的匝道.  这种伙伴关系也使USF的研究人员获得了国家科学基金会和海军办公室的资助,重点是如何培养学生适应现实世界的SOC角色.

How we are involved:

As the first-ever jersey patch partner of the Boston Bruins, 我们受到组织共同价值观和共同承诺的驱动,以加强我们的社区. 我们与TD Garden的合作始于2017年,当时我们在波士顿总部破土动工,并与特拉华北(棕熊队控股公司)合作,重振该市的科技界. 我们合作关系的新阶段是一个难得的机会,让我们的品牌联合起来,做得更大, more lasting impact for our communities and customers around the world. Over the past two seasons, we have collaborated with the Bruins around their Teacher Appreciation, Military, and Women in Sports game nights.  我们还与棕熊队合作,在勇士冰上竞技场创建了STEM日,让波士顿的, 中学生从传球的角度深入了解冰球的各个方面, force and friction of a shot, kinetic energy of a pick drop and the science behind resurfacing ice.

What Rapid7 looks like today

We know that a commitment to fostering a diverse, equitable, 包容性的工作文化远远超出了任何衡量标准——我们也相信,设定可衡量的目标和对公司现状保持透明是有价值的.

For more information on how we're doing and where we're heading, read our 2023 Social Good Report.

2023 Social Good Report

Help us build something special

在未来的岁月里,我们将继续开拓新的方式来增强人们的能力. 在我们改变行业结构以更好地反映我们的客户和社区的过程中,我们永远不会停止对自己的责任.
